Happy Mothers day mom, Sue (mother-in-law), Donna (sister-in-law) and Sue (sister-in-law). I hope all the moms out there had a great Mothers Day. As you can see from the picture above, Anika's block skills are progressing quite nicely.
We were all set to have both sets of parents, my aunt and uncle, and the Hogans (my brother-in-law Paul's in-laws) over for a Mothers Day meal. Unfortunately Anika came down with bronchiolitis so we had to cancel. I guess one good thing to come out of it is that since we are going to re-schedule Paul, Sue and the boys should be back in the States and will be able to celebrate with us.
Even though Mothers Day should be a stress free day for moms, Mary's hasn't been. Her 3rd and 5th grade concerts are on Tuesday. Concert time is always hectic as Mary meets with kids before and after school to work on their performances. While she wears herself out, it is worth it in the end. You can see the kids enjoying it but mostly the looks on the parents and grandparents faces after the show is priceless.
In the past I have attended almost every concert she has put on (usually 3 in a year with two grades going on each night). This year I am staying home with Anika, while I miss the shows, I love getting to spend time with baby girl.
Ah...bronchiolitis. You had a me confused for a moment. Hope it's already better or getting better.
I misspelled it purposely, just seeing if you were paying attention.
You stand a risk of being very disappointed if you're waiting for me to pay attention.
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