Where to begin? The last month has been somewhat hard for the baby girl. She had a bacterial infection and now has bronchiolitis. The amazing thing is that you wouldn't know she was sick, she very rarely gets crabby about it. Sometimes I think she is faking it so Grandpa Mel can come and take care of her during the day, since she can't go to day care.
She is now sitting up on her own and loving it. She also started on solid foods.

So far she like squash, sweet potatoes and carrots. She doesn't like anything green. As you can see in this video
Here is her 7 month photo with lamb. She isn't too happy about laying down, she much preferred sitting up and eating lambs ear.

One thing she does like is going for a walk while riding in the Baby Bjorn with dad

She also likes standing any chance she can get. She supports herself rather well, but her balance is that of a college freshman leaving a kegger at three in the morning
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