When Mary woke Anika up this morning she felt quite warm. So we took her temperature...about 5 times. The first 3 using the "under the armpit" method which we have found completely unreliable, the results were: 98.4, 96.7, and 97.9. Since the results were no where near believable we switched to the "up the butt" method or the technical term "rectal". Those two measurements yeilded 102.4 and 102.1.
My dad came over and I took Anika to the Dr. at 10:00. The poor little girl had a rough visit. The routine exam was enough to get her crying, but the real tears showed up when they did a white blood cell count test by pricking her finger. She was very unhappy at that point.
We left with a prescription for Amoxocilin and motrin. We have now found out how much fun it is trying to shoot a syringe of pink drugs into an unwilling child's mouth. I am certain that when they prescribe 4ml they are only expecting 1ml to actually make it down the childs throat, because she certainly spit at least half of it back up. Only 9 more days of this!
Zwift Month Four
6 days ago
It may not help for this round of antibiotics, but we always get Luke's medicine flavored (a free service of Target pharmacy). He laps it up like a puppy! Hope Anika is feeling better soon!!!
Mary and Brad
As mean as it sounds, try putting your fingers in her mouth so she can not close her mouth and then place the medicine in her mouth. With her mouth open, the only place for the medicine to go is down the throat. This could be a two man job - both mom and dad! You will have to give the medicine a little bit at time. It will take her a few seconds to swallow the medicine. Good luck.
Here's another maybe unwanted tip...I watched many a nurse squeeze Jack's cheeks (to make fish lips) while administering meds when he sepnt a week in the hospital. I tried it at home and it worked!
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