Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Trip to the Dr.'s

When Mary woke Anika up this morning she felt quite warm. So we took her temperature...about 5 times. The first 3 using the "under the armpit" method which we have found completely unreliable, the results were: 98.4, 96.7, and 97.9. Since the results were no where near believable we switched to the "up the butt" method or the technical term "rectal". Those two measurements yeilded 102.4 and 102.1.

My dad came over and I took Anika to the Dr. at 10:00. The poor little girl had a rough visit. The routine exam was enough to get her crying, but the real tears showed up when they did a white blood cell count test by pricking her finger. She was very unhappy at that point.

We left with a prescription for Amoxocilin and motrin. We have now found out how much fun it is trying to shoot a syringe of pink drugs into an unwilling child's mouth. I am certain that when they prescribe 4ml they are only expecting 1ml to actually make it down the childs throat, because she certainly spit at least half of it back up. Only 9 more days of this!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Easter photos

Putting up some photos from Easter. Right now both baby girl and dad are sick and not feeling well. Somehow she still manages to sleep through the night, me on the other hand can't fall back to sleep at 4 in the morning.

Here's Anika in her Easter dress with Grandma and Grandpa Melchior
Here she is later in the day with Grandma and Grandpa Zilge
A moment of contemplation

We went to my Aunt Jaci and Uncle Merle's for Easter, my cousin Kelly and her family came back from Michigan.

Here is Anika with Mike (Kelly's husband)
Anika was a hit with Kelly's kids as well. Ava and Jake were entertaining her

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Enjoying spring

This morning I took Anika for a walk while Mary ran some errands, by the time we got home she was almost asleep. Her head was hanging down (I was using the baby Bjorn carrying her around on my chest), and her eyes were drooping. Today she was in rare form, you either got one her biggest brightest smiles, or you got the raspberries, there was no in between.

Amazing how everything in spring just pops. I was working in the garage today and was just flooded with sounds of spring: birds chirping, kids playing and dogs barking. I could smell the grills getting fired up later in the afternoon as well. So as I am typing this, I am sitting on the deck drinking a Mojo and heating up our grill. Beer tastes better in the spring and summer. Being outside drinking a beer and grilling, I can't help but get excited for thursdays music in Mears park, Grand Ol' Day and other outdoor festivities.

It is time to put the burgers on the grill, so I am out of here.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

6 Months

Time for Anika's six month update. Here is her photo with Lamb, she is getting stronger and wants to sit up, as you can see it was tough to get a photo of her laying back on the couch.

At her six month check up she weighed in at 16.4lbs (57%) and was 26"(61%). She did great with her shots. She actually had stopped crying before we got up to the front desk to make her 9 month appointment.

She really loves playing in her Exer Saucer and is happy most of the time. Although when she isn't happy you can expect to get the raspberries from her.

Road Trip

Anika went on her first road trip this past weekend. We went to visit her uncle Marty, aunt Donna and cousin Finnegan. It was a weekend of many firsts. First time to Wisconsin, first time in Madison, first speeding ticket, first time in a car for more than four hours...oh the speeding ticket, you want to know more? Ok. About halfway through the trip, I get pulled over. I guess I was clocked at 84mph in a 65. I had no idea I was going that fast, Mary's car is smoother and quiter than mine, and there was hardly any one on the road. Luckily the officer put me down as 80 which saved me $100, so the ticket was only $186.00...ouch.

Other than that the weekend was great. Anika got to spend time with Finn who just loved her up. At one point he told his dad when they were outside riding bikes, "Dad, I think I need to go inside, Anika is getting lonely for me". Here is Finn giving Anika a bottle.

Anika also loved hanging with Donna and Marty at the Olbrich Botanical gardens where they had her laughing and smiling all afternoon. I would post a picture or two of that but we forgot our cameras at the house, you will just have to trust me.