Saturday Anika turned two months old. Friday was her 2 month doctor appointment. This appointment included vaccination shots. There was much crying...from both child and mom. Hearing that first scream of pain, and not really being able to comfort her was hard, but she was a trooper and after a few minutes the crying subsided and she fell asleep, Anika that is.
Here are the 2 month vitals:
Weight: 11lbs 10oz 73rd percentile
Height: 23.5 inches 89th percentile
Here is her 2 month photo with lamb
Wow! Anika is changing so much!! I feel badly that we haven't been over to see her... One of us has been sick for 2 straight weeks and you don't want that kind of Christmas present!
Glad the two of you went out for a night on the town. Make the most of Mary's time off... it's nearing an end (yeah for me!). :)
89th percentile! She's taking after dad huh?
That is the most beautiful little girl ever! Grampa
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