Summer is just flying by and Anika is changing by the minute. She is just starting to show interest in crawling. For a while there she only wanted to try to stand, if she was put on her stomach she would immediately flip to her back. The other day Mary left the room for a second and came back to find Anika had pulled herself up on her play garden center and was standing. The excitement was followed by the realization that things are going to be quite different when she gets mobile.
Backing up a little bit, I was on vacation from July 3rd to July 12th. That first Friday we went to the MN Zoo with my parents. Anika had a great time riding around with grandpa Mel.

I am not sure if she enjoyed the animals or not, it seemed like she spent most of her time looking at all of the other kids that were running around. The zoo brought back the African Safari exhibit this year. You can feed the giraffes.

The trip to the zoo also was a good chance for me to try out my new telephoto lens. This was at the max 300mm.

This guy was a camera whore. He/She kept walking up and down the fence line showing off for whoever would pay attention

While I was on vacation I also saw a couple outdoor concerts and went golfing. My birthday was the 8th. My mom and I share the same birthday, this was a milestone one for her, she turned 70. She and a friend of hers, Jackie Briggs, both turned 70 this year and decided to have a party together.

Here is the birthday girl with her Ani. Aren't they cute

It was a good week plus off. Even though we didn't go anywhere it was nice to just relax around the house.
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