In the immortal words of Joe Pesci in Lethal Weapon II, "They f*** you at the drive-thru, okay?" That's how I feel about my former health insurance. Before Anika was born Mary and I had individual coverages through our respective work places. When Anika was born it is considered a "life changing event" (that's for sure!), if you have an LCE at any time in the year you can make changes to your coverage. We had discussed it and figured it was best to get family coverage through Mary's school.
On the 15th of October I called my provider to cancel my coverage. They said it would take from one to two pay periods for the change to take affect ( or is it 'effect'?) and that my coverage would be retro-active back to the 6th of October since that is when Mary's policy would kick in. Basically anything that happened between the 6th and the 15th that was billed to my carrier would need to be sent back to Mary's. Not a problem. I figured that I would be reimbursed for the month of October since they weren't covering me. Nope, according to IRS rules they can charge me for October and not provide any service at all. So Mary and I paid for family coverage and an extra single coverage.
Also this week Mary got a nasty cold, so bad that she had to stay home from work. Which really sucks for this year, since she has no more sick time (used up for maternity leave). This results in a day of no pay.
Could it get any worse? Sure it could. When you are sick, what do you feel like doing. I basically feel like laying around and watching television.

One problem. That black box with the mish-mash of wires you see above, that's our television just before it went out the door to the repair shop. The tv stopped working on Thursday and won't be fixed until mid-week. Did I mention that the warranty ran out two months ago.
Through all of this we were reminded of one thing. How lucky we are. We have a great support system as both sets of grandparents were around to help out. We wold have gone insane without their help.