Everyone keeps asking if Anika is crawling. Not yet. She has decided that crawling is just too predictable and she has found a better way to get around. She is still trying to perfect it, but future parents will be fielding questions such as "Has your baby started to 'Anika' yet?" Just watch and see the craze that will be sweeping the nation.
The last few nights she when I have been trying to put her down to sleep she has refused to lay in my arms like she always has. She wants to be sitting upright, so basically she has been falling asleep laying against my chest. While this has been sweet I am worried that this will lead to some weird sleeping disorder later in life where she no longer uses a bed, but just sleeps in a Lazy-Boy.
She also hit the 8 month mark back on the 6th.

Anika's uncle Paul, aunt Sue and cousins Sam and Theo came back from their 5 month stay in Ireland. She has loved seeing them and loves to hang out with Theo.

Enough about her, we know the real reason you come to this blog, Mary and me. School finished for Mary on the 8th, but she is back teaching a week long class this week. She will be teaching a Taiko and African drumming class to kids from Lakeville and Burnsville students.
Later this month she and her high school girl friends will be going to Chicago to celebrate their 30th birthdays (I am such a good husband, I could have pointed out that it is actually their 4oth birthdays).
My big summer plans include not building a garage. That should free me up to golf more than once this year. So far I haven't gotten out on the links, but that will change this Saturday as I am re-instating the Golfing, Grilling and Gambling day.