First lets get the vitals out of the way. She arrived on Monday October 6th @ 7:38 p.m. She weighed 7lbs 6.8oz, her height was 20 1/4" and her head was 13".
Mary's contractions started at 4 in the morning. At 5 o'clock she woke me up (thanks for the extra hour of sleep honey). The contractions were about 6 minutes apart. The progressed to 5 minutes rather quickly. After an hour of contractions 5 minutes apart we called the hospital. They had us wait at home for another hour.
We finally were admitted at 8:45. At 10:30 Mary got her epidural. Funny epidural story. At one point Mary asked me to scratch her left knee. So I started scratching it through the sheets. She said "No under the sheets". So I obliged, and she said "Under both sheets". To which I replied "Honey I am scratching directly on your skin"..."Oh".
At about 1:30 they administered pitocin to speed things up. We got to the pushing stage at 5:00 and we were pretty happy with how things were progressing. Well after more than two and a half hours of pushing little Anika arrived.
If you wish to see more photos go to http://gallery.me.com/brad.zilge#100107 some of the photos seem the same, others don't.
She is sooooooooooo precious! At first I thought she looked like Brad, then I started to see parts of Mary... Anika is the perfect blend of both of you! I especially love the pictures of her getting her first bath. I can't wait to meet her!!! Congratulations!!!
Congratulations to all of you. Looking forward to meeting her!
Congratulations, Brad and Mary! She is absolutely beautiful!
Congratulations! Can you tell if she likes chili yet?
I can't wait to me her!
My baby thirst will finally be slaked! Can't wait to see her tonight.
Welcome Anika! You are beautiful! Congratulations Mary and Brad! You now have your own story!
Congratulations on your wonderful little girl! I am glad things went well. I can't wait to meet her. (And Mary: if you hit a freakout stage and you need someone at whom to freak out without that person freaking back, you are welcome to call me.)
Okay, I just looked at the other photos...she's gorgeous. Just gorgeous.
Anika is beautiful! Mary, you are beautiful! I love the belly shots. Brad, you are...tall. We are looking forward to hopefully seeing you three soon. Congratulations!
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