We are very lucky to have a special guest writer today. Mary
One of the greatest rewards of being Anika's mom is watching Anika's dad, aka Tall Brad, in action. Here is a sample of some of dad's best:
1. To Anika in a whipser; "Don't tell your mom, but I'm in love with another girl."
2. To me, "I never used to understand what you meant when you would say '...it makes my heart ache'. When I look at her, I now understand."
3 To Anika: after a "classic" Brad joke "That's going to be really funny to you in a few years." Hmm, I hope he gets funnier in the years ahead, but she'll never doubt how much Daddy loves her.
Thanks to everyone for sending well wishes, warm meals, and moral support our way. We hope to be sharing lots of adventures with you soon.