Another one that we hear all the time is "get your sleep now..". We have talked about how for the most part people want to tell you about negatives. We really appreciate those few people who started the conversation by saying "You are going to love it."
As for the the changes, we have already started to experience them. In order to get ready for baby Z we have taken on a couple projects around the house. One of them obviously was getting the baby room ready. The second one was knocking down our old garage and building a new one. This basically took up my whole summer (and maybe fall, it still is not completed).

These projects were our summer baby. We went to almost no concerts, very few happy hours or nice dinners out, I only golfed once and Mary stopped playing Taiko. But the biggest thing it cut into affected more than just Mary and me. For the first time in 5 years we didn't have Chili Fest. It was like a family member had died when we told some people. We had multiple offers from people to host it temporarily, but it just wasn't going to work out. Have no fear, Chili Fest will be back next year. And if you see us before we have the baby, just tell us everything will be great.
must ... type ... something ... positive ...
Um, babies are cool.
See, that wasn't so hard, was it?
Michelle and I wish you all the best! I will be checking this blog daily, expecting frequent updates, photos, analysis and wisdom.
I am so happy to see that you started a blog. I can't wait to see pictures of that beautiful babY! It would be fun to see a picture of Mary now before the baby arrives (if she will let you)!
Best wishes!
Hooray! A blog of your very own!!! Can't wait to read your updates.
Babies ARE cool and you will love being dad! Most importantly, your baby girl will love having you as a dad. When she looks up at you and flashes something you interpret as a smile, you'll forget all about the blow out she had an hour earlier. :) Karla
P.S. I think the real reason you aren't having chili fest is because you need another year to work on a recipe that might finally rival that of the North Dakotans. :)
My experience is that one child is a lot of fun and aspects of your life change, but they're not any worse - just depends on how you go about arranging your life. And yeah - a lack of sleep for a while, but that's expected. And a frustrating event now and then, but otherwise good times - I'm lonely when Eryn's gone for the weekend.
More than one child, I can't attest to, although I swear everyone I know with two seems a bit stressed and tired even after the initial six months. They children never seem to want to go in the same direction or do the same thing.
Everything will be great Brad and Mary! Yes there is the lack of sleep or the blow out while you are visiting your work place, BUT it is all worth it when you stare at your peacefully sleeping little one. And yes, it will be a huge change, but we knew that when we signed up for this gig didn't we and it is ALL worth it!!
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