On Saturday we went to Mary's parents place, Anika decided she didn't really want to nap. While it didn't seem to be a big deal at the time because she was pretty happy during the day. Well, we paid for it on Sunday. Again she wouldn't nap and she was quite crabby and cried for a good half hour before we could finally get her down at 2:00. That was the downs.
At about 4:00 the ups decided to make an appearance. Anika has been working on rolling over for weeks. We work on it during the changing of her diapers since it is easier to do while she is naked. Basically she could roll on her side and that was about it. Today she roller over all on her own. That was the ups!
As a side note, I came close to getting divorced. Mary made cookies for the neighbors and I told her to take them over by herself while I changed Anika. While she was gone I decided to do rolling time with Anika. Of course she rolled over while Mary was gone. Mary thinks I planned it that way, luckily she rolled over two more times when Mary got home.
Zwift Month Four
6 days ago